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Your Time: Are you a text editor? HTML? Should the amount of Bible text be increased or reduced? Which ones? Are the comments clear, concise and an accurate Is the overall theme clear? Note: The Bible quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) Question: Does the use of fonts/colors, add or confuse the intent? Your Talent: Are you an HTML editor? The original writing was done using MS Word with Word changing the source page to HTML. This leaves the coding a mess. Are you a layout and graphic designer? Are you willing to assist this project as a ministry to help with the overall design and appeal? Your Treasure: Are you willing to help us with the overall expense? We need an identifiable URL with reliable web hosting. (About $500/year) We need funds for continuing service and development. We need funds to promote the page throughout the www. Are you able and willing to help us promote The Bible on One Page?
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These pages are a ministry of A&J Information, 888-700-1231 . . . . . . |
The Bible on One Page |